Monday 3 August 2009

Who's Wathcing the Watchmen?

I went to see the highly anticipated movie Watchmen when it came out in March of this year. The film is based on the original graphic novel by Alan Moore, and was directed by Zack Snyder [300]. I was really excited to see this movie because of one; I was impressed by the graphic style of the trailers that were released, and secondly, I enjoyed Alan Moores ‘V for Vendetta’.

With high expectations I was expecting to see a brilliant, intriguing and well put together movie, but instead I got the total opposite. From what I can remember about the film, I just didn’t feel that I got totally engaged with the idea of superheroes being normal part of life, and I just didn’t understand the alternate world. The visuals were excellent but the majority of these can be seen on the trailers, and some of the scenes got a bit too clichéd and overworked for my liking. Another key element to making a great film is the score, which was so inappropriate and I believe just did not fit the style of the film. The Watchmen seemed very ‘bitty’ and it was obvious that scenes were pulled directly from the graphic novel, which may have looked good on paper, but do not flow very well on the big screen. The film is about two and half hours long and honestly, it felt longer!

However I am always willing to experience things again and have borrowed the DVD from a friend, along with the graphic novel. Whilst just browsing through the graphic novel it’s pretty clear what Zack Snyder tried to do with the Watchmen movie, and how close he tried to keep it to the originality of the book. I can see pictures in the book that look the same as what is on screen, so it maybe more of an interesting read. The novel seems much more fascinating and captivating, as if it will pull you into the world of the Watchmen so I am hoping that this will redeem my view of the Watchmen franchise. I will keep you posted!

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