Monday 3 September 2007

Anti Smoking Images

I saw this image in the newspaper that was unveiled for the new anti smoking campaign. This image quite honestly made me sick, it is using scare tactics to try and make people quit smoking, using the line "Smoking can cause a slow and painful death". There are a variety of images for this ad campaign, and they are very hard hitting, that are based on medical facts to get the point across. The images use a great deal of association with babies and children, because these will make people think more and think twice about smoking with children present, or about smoking at all.

The campaign is aimed at youngsters to stop them smoking before thy have even started, and show the harsh realities. The shocking images all come with some text that are very blatant and do not need images there to back them up really, however its the images that get your attention. The text is in two colours, white and red, and the highlighted words in red maybe the most effective, however I am not quite sure.

You have to see these images for yourself to see how shocking they are, and work out yourself how effective they will be.

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